Thursday 9 August 2012

Summery Shorts!

Today's blog as you can see is about shorts. I have too many shorts so I picked out may favourite 6! Just for you! How kind am i?? Everybody has to have the simple plain denim shorts and at least 1 high-waisted. Am i right? or am i right? In this blog I am going to tell you why I like the shorts and what i would pair it with:)

The Washed Denim
These washed denim shorts are from Republic, I'm not sure for how much because i think i got them  in a sale:)  I love these shorts they go with nearly everything! You could wear a crop top, neon top, plain vest top or and floaty blouse tucked in:)

The High-waisted denim
These shots are from New Look and again because they are so old I don't know the price but probably cheap!:) Knowing me...
Again denim really does go with every thing, with these shorts I like to wear a bright crop top or a plain top tucked in:)

The Black Denim
I know these don't look black in this photo but they are really:) As you can see they are a bit worn down, some stitches are snapping(because I'm getting bigger:L) These shorts go well with detailed white blouses:) LOVE EM.

The Stripey baggy shorts
I bought these shorts from Forever 21 when I went to Dubai:) I've worn these LOADS I love them to bits!!:) Becuase they are baggy it mean they are a bit casual so you can where anything with them!!:) Make sure you buy some stripey shots! They are totally worth it! Don't be scared!:)

The  turquoise High-waisted shorts
These are from New Look again:) But becuase they are turquoise they don't go with much but once you have put an outfit together with them in you feel beautiful in every way! They mostly go with pink tops, just to let you know<3

And last but not least...

The purple baggy shorts!!!!
I LOVE THESE SHORTS, these are my absolute favourite. I got them from Primark for £6 and they come in loads more colours! i'll be sure to buy them all:) Haha!
These shorts are so pretty when on and go with just about everything but i would go with something simple because purple is quite a bold colour and doesn't go with much!

I hope this helped :P
TOODLEPIP! xx Lizzie<3

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