Thursday 9 August 2012

Just a little ramble...

Just woken up and have no idea what to blog about, I've tried looking around but still nothing! 
So in this blog i have decided that i'm just going to tell you about my holidays!:)

My summer holidays started almost 3 weeks ago, to celebrate me and my best friend went and got our ears pierced. She went first...she came out. She was fine! But when i went in I was terrified. I felt like i was going to faint! :o It was HORRIBLE so my mum had to get my best friend to cheer me up and say its all fine and it doesn't hurt. But after I was in AGONY. 

After these 3 weeks my ears have been going trough some stages. 1 day they were fine, the next day they have got all gunged up:( I searched it on the internet and they said that 99% of the time it will clear over so. PANIC OVER.

The next day i got invited to go to PRIMARK IN HARROGATE!
I was so excited and bought a ton of clothes. I told the rest of my friends and they got jealous so we have to go again in a couple of weeks. Great, more jobs to do for more money! I've got NOTHING:(

I've had a couple of lazy days watching the Olympics and How I Met Your Mother:) <--Which is amazingly funny btw:) Lol. And then some active days like going to the park for the hole day and accidently hitting a little boy on the head with a ball, and felt mean so we went to hide in the cafe and had some coke! Read a bird ya do! And looking at the pictures of the Blue Tits and the Long Tailed Tits. We are so immature:) Haha, that was a great day:) Apart from the ball part, if you are reading this little boy I AM SO SORRY:) xx

So, Hows your holidays going? Please tell me in the comments and tell me what else to write about because i have no ides what so ever! :O

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3 

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