Sunday 19 August 2012

So Sorry

To all you viewers out there:

I'm terribly sorry about not blogging alot these days!! :( ahh ichy feet. sorry just gotta scratch:P

And... I'M BACK.

My laptop is being a rite stinking poo and the internet isent working on it like it used to D:
ahh i can't live without it :(
 But for now i have to use the super slow family computer which btw i hate, so be grateful that i'm actually doing this:)

I cant do any blogs with photos because i have no idea how to work this thing, only the laptop i can upload photos. WHICH IS FLIPPIN ANNOYING BECAUSE I LOVE TAKING PHOTOS FOR YOU GUYS:)

I will try to get my bloomin laptop fixed but this week i have been a busy bee and i just need a little break from all the computer screens:D

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

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