Sunday 5 August 2012

Instagram | Addiction

Instagram. I am addicted. Its amazing and all of you have to get it!:) But don't get as addicted as I am! haha. If you don't know what it is Instagram is a app (you can get it for free from iTunes) and you take a photo of something then you can edit them! You can focus,blur and change colours and styles of the photo as well!

^ These photos are all from my Instagram! ^

My username is   @bluejellii   please follow me! And don't worry.. I do follow back and give out shoutouts!:D I take plenty of pictures everyday so I will fill up your feed!:) If you do have Instagram please comment your username and I will give you a shoutout! I do. Officially have...495 followers and I'm planning to get 500 by the end of today!:O Wish me luck!xx  Toodlepip! Lizzie<3

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