Sunday 5 August 2012

About my Cat | Shoko

I got my cat Shoko for my 11th Birthday present, when I was a baby my mum and dad has a total of 6 cats! But sadly one by one they died:( So we decided to get another one to brighten our lives and keep us happy!:D She is a Siamese cat and she is coming to her 3rd birthday on the 12th of Feb.

                                               All photos have been edited on Instagram!

Sadly at the moment she has something wrong with her front left paw:( She is limping and always licking it, now she has the whole sofa chair to herself with a cozy blanket and we all hope that her paw gets better because she is a very playful cat and likes to mess around outside but now she can't jump and run around happily:( Everybody loves her and she love everybody!<3 She likes sitting on your lap until you have to get up because of all the cramp and numbness in your bum and legs, hehe!!

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

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