Monday 6 August 2012

Nail Polish

Nail Polish is not bad for the nails, in fact its good for them! It strengthens and hardens them, its the Nail Polish REMOVER that's bad. Nail Polish Remover is bad for the nails because it weakens them and could also dry out the cuticles! :( But still...every girl has at least 1 nail polish somewhere in their room!
Nail Polish is a great way to brighten up a simple outfit! You can do 1 colour or be extra creative and a do a pattern! You can even buy nail art pens (Off Ebay) if you want to be even more creative! Haha! :)
I've tried SOOOO many Nail Polish Removers but I have to say the Collection 2000 one is my favourite! Some of my Removers don't do a god damn thing! Others dry out my nails completely! :( But this one does the trick for me! I recommend this product to all of your which can be purchased at Superdrug (Sorry America! You will probably find it else where!)  

Hope this helps! Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3


  1. This is great, i always find it hard finding a good nail varnish remover :)
    Amy x
