Sunday 12 August 2012

If I had a million pounds...

If I had a million pounds...

You would probably think that i would just go shopping. 
But in fact i think that i would go on holiday around the world and then think about what I would spend it on.  I would maybe save half of it for later life. Then spend the rest on the stuff I've always wanted like makeup and clothes. I would go to London and have a HUGE shopping spree! :) Ahaaha. 

On my holiday around the world I would go to all the places I've dreamed of like: Florida, New York, Paris, Switzerland,Venice, Romania, Thailand, New Zealand, Tokyo, Spain and Dubai(I've already been to Dubai but I would like to go again) Then all the way back home:) THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. But probably would never happen:) 

Also. I would buy an iPhone and a Mac Pro Book. I mean...WHO WOULDN'T? 

Right. What would you do?

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

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