Sunday 5 August 2012

About Me

My name is Lizzie and I'm 13 years young:) I have a cat called Shoko which is a Japanese name! She loves people and is the cutest thing ever! I love her to bits!! I live in England with my Mum and Brother,my Mum and Dad had a divorce when I was 6 but I still see my dad 3 days or more a week:) I love them both. I go to high school and just about to start my 3rd year which is year nine where you start some of your GCESs which i am not looking forward to but you do have to do them sometime in your life and i hope to do well!!:) Wish me luck!;D Now I have told you about me you now have to tell me about you in a comment! So get up and make a cup of tea and sit down and type away! I don't mind how long or how short, I'll read them all!:)
Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

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