Friday 24 August 2012

Spongebob Obsession

Well this is a kind of an amusing blog post for today! :D but i do have to admit that in my spare time or when i'm just being a lazy girl... I just climb into bed and watch spongebob on back-to-back episodes:)

I am quite easily amused by the very kiddish jokes by giggling and smiggling:D

I know that everybody must of watched spongebob at least once in their life but now that i'm 13 going on 14 soon, i still have the thought in my head to go and watch spongebob! I don't know whats wrong with me...

Comment below if you also still watch them!... Please... Please please please tell me that i'm not alone with this one.. :) I'm SO sorry about using the photos off the internet but i just had to put photos on this blog post, i feel like i haven't been putting any up lately:) To see more of my photos be sure to check out my Instagram on: @bluejellii 

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Sunday 19 August 2012

So Sorry

To all you viewers out there:

I'm terribly sorry about not blogging alot these days!! :( ahh ichy feet. sorry just gotta scratch:P

And... I'M BACK.

My laptop is being a rite stinking poo and the internet isent working on it like it used to D:
ahh i can't live without it :(
 But for now i have to use the super slow family computer which btw i hate, so be grateful that i'm actually doing this:)

I cant do any blogs with photos because i have no idea how to work this thing, only the laptop i can upload photos. WHICH IS FLIPPIN ANNOYING BECAUSE I LOVE TAKING PHOTOS FOR YOU GUYS:)

I will try to get my bloomin laptop fixed but this week i have been a busy bee and i just need a little break from all the computer screens:D

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Wednesday 15 August 2012

New Blog Name!

As you can see I have changed the name of my blog because i thought the old name got a bit 'boring'. So i changed it to Just Like Two Joined Cherries, which i think is pretty cute:) Right now I'm uninstalling a load of crap from my computer, found out my laptop is lagging quite a bit. Found out i had Minecraft on it XDD

I hope all of you like my new blog name as much as i do! :D

I know this is a short blog but i have nothing to say a the moment, my life is too boring to tell. I would put you to sleep, AHAHAAAA!

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Haul | Ark Dresses

Yesterday me and my mum went into town to go shopping, she was telling me about this place called The Sale Store. Which has everything half price from the original.. All the clothes are from Ark shops but just weren't sold so they put them in the shop which is very popular where i live. Me and my mum think its all the clothes from earlier seasons and weren't sold well. I bought 2 BEAUTIFUL dresses which i want to share with you guys! :D

From £19.99 to £10.00*

The first dress looks incredibly beautiful on. Its strapless. Summery. And has a elastic band just under your..boobs( If you don't mind me saying :D ) And along the back to keep it up! You don't want it falling down now, do we??!!! :P

This dress is a little on the casual side so you can dress it up and down:) The pattern is adorable because its a load of pretty little peachy / pink bows scatted around the dress. It has buttons at the top which is nice detailing and makes it just a little more girly! :)

From £24.99 to £12.50*

The second dress is my favourite! :) It has the most amazingly beautiful pattern, Little birdies!! Its made out of a very soft and silky material. The collar makes it more formal(to me). And the best part is the long zip all away down the back:) PRETTY!! Its floaty and yes. yes it does float out around you when your spinning around like a princess:D 

Both of these dresses were going for bargain prices so i just had to get them both! They are both from the brand Hearts & Bows in Ark (which is one of the most popular).

Do you love these dresses as much as I do? Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Monday 13 August 2012

Favourite Nail Polish

 (Without flash)

This blog post is going to be about my favourite nail polish. At the moment it is the summer holidays so people where bright and snazzy nail polishes. At school we aren't aloud to where nail polish so I try to wear as many colours as I can in the 6 weeks of the holidays!

This nail polish is the Rimmel London 60 seconds in shade: 825 SKY HIGH 

(With flash)

(Without flash) ^^ SKY HIGH ^^
This nail polish is my favourite because (as it says on the lid) Xpress Flat Brush ,1 sec application and up to 5X stronger nails. So that means you can apply just one coat in 1 second because the brush is flatter and covers the whole nail.

On the Nails...
(Camera doesn't give it justice) D:

This nail polish is a bluey / turquoisey colour so you can wear it all year round!:) 
Its a beautiful colour and its now one of my favourite I've been wearing it for about.... 5 days now and it still hasn't chipped a bit! Marvelous!

So... Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Sunday 12 August 2012

If I had a million pounds...

If I had a million pounds...

You would probably think that i would just go shopping. 
But in fact i think that i would go on holiday around the world and then think about what I would spend it on.  I would maybe save half of it for later life. Then spend the rest on the stuff I've always wanted like makeup and clothes. I would go to London and have a HUGE shopping spree! :) Ahaaha. 

On my holiday around the world I would go to all the places I've dreamed of like: Florida, New York, Paris, Switzerland,Venice, Romania, Thailand, New Zealand, Tokyo, Spain and Dubai(I've already been to Dubai but I would like to go again) Then all the way back home:) THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. But probably would never happen:) 

Also. I would buy an iPhone and a Mac Pro Book. I mean...WHO WOULDN'T? 

Right. What would you do?

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Thursday 9 August 2012

Summery Shorts!

Today's blog as you can see is about shorts. I have too many shorts so I picked out may favourite 6! Just for you! How kind am i?? Everybody has to have the simple plain denim shorts and at least 1 high-waisted. Am i right? or am i right? In this blog I am going to tell you why I like the shorts and what i would pair it with:)

The Washed Denim
These washed denim shorts are from Republic, I'm not sure for how much because i think i got them  in a sale:)  I love these shorts they go with nearly everything! You could wear a crop top, neon top, plain vest top or and floaty blouse tucked in:)

The High-waisted denim
These shots are from New Look and again because they are so old I don't know the price but probably cheap!:) Knowing me...
Again denim really does go with every thing, with these shorts I like to wear a bright crop top or a plain top tucked in:)

The Black Denim
I know these don't look black in this photo but they are really:) As you can see they are a bit worn down, some stitches are snapping(because I'm getting bigger:L) These shorts go well with detailed white blouses:) LOVE EM.

The Stripey baggy shorts
I bought these shorts from Forever 21 when I went to Dubai:) I've worn these LOADS I love them to bits!!:) Becuase they are baggy it mean they are a bit casual so you can where anything with them!!:) Make sure you buy some stripey shots! They are totally worth it! Don't be scared!:)

The  turquoise High-waisted shorts
These are from New Look again:) But becuase they are turquoise they don't go with much but once you have put an outfit together with them in you feel beautiful in every way! They mostly go with pink tops, just to let you know<3

And last but not least...

The purple baggy shorts!!!!
I LOVE THESE SHORTS, these are my absolute favourite. I got them from Primark for £6 and they come in loads more colours! i'll be sure to buy them all:) Haha!
These shorts are so pretty when on and go with just about everything but i would go with something simple because purple is quite a bold colour and doesn't go with much!

I hope this helped :P
TOODLEPIP! xx Lizzie<3

Just a little ramble...

Just woken up and have no idea what to blog about, I've tried looking around but still nothing! 
So in this blog i have decided that i'm just going to tell you about my holidays!:)

My summer holidays started almost 3 weeks ago, to celebrate me and my best friend went and got our ears pierced. She went first...she came out. She was fine! But when i went in I was terrified. I felt like i was going to faint! :o It was HORRIBLE so my mum had to get my best friend to cheer me up and say its all fine and it doesn't hurt. But after I was in AGONY. 

After these 3 weeks my ears have been going trough some stages. 1 day they were fine, the next day they have got all gunged up:( I searched it on the internet and they said that 99% of the time it will clear over so. PANIC OVER.

The next day i got invited to go to PRIMARK IN HARROGATE!
I was so excited and bought a ton of clothes. I told the rest of my friends and they got jealous so we have to go again in a couple of weeks. Great, more jobs to do for more money! I've got NOTHING:(

I've had a couple of lazy days watching the Olympics and How I Met Your Mother:) <--Which is amazingly funny btw:) Lol. And then some active days like going to the park for the hole day and accidently hitting a little boy on the head with a ball, and felt mean so we went to hide in the cafe and had some coke! Read a bird ya do! And looking at the pictures of the Blue Tits and the Long Tailed Tits. We are so immature:) Haha, that was a great day:) Apart from the ball part, if you are reading this little boy I AM SO SORRY:) xx

So, Hows your holidays going? Please tell me in the comments and tell me what else to write about because i have no ides what so ever! :O

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3 

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Hair Care

Its important to keep your hair clean and healthy so you avoid various problems like dandruff, scalp infection, hair fall and greying of hair. Here are some tips to help you maintain healthy and happy hair!:)

1. Wash your hair 3-4 times a week with a mild herbal shampoo, there will be a range of different shampoos at your local stores.

2. If your experiencing dandruff use an anti-dandruff shampoo. Keeping your scalp clean is important to your hair.

3. Do not comb wet hair, remember to only comb your hair when its either towel dried or completely dry.

4. Avoid using to  many hair styling products directly on the scalp, it could clog up the pores on your head.

5. If you want silky smooth hair use hair masks once or twice a week.

6. ALWAYS use heat protectant when you are about to use hot tools.

7. Even if its a habit don't suck or bite the ends of your hair, it causes more split ends.

8. TRY and you do the hair dressers every month to keep it healthy and so you don't get too many split ends.

9. Use hair serums if you want silky hair.

And the last and final tip...


Hope you enjoyed:)xx Toodlepip! Lizzie<3

Yes, cucumber really does work!

By the title of this blog your probably thinking that Lizzie has gone a bit dooolallly...But no. I'm right cucumbers do work! But what on you may ask? Bags and wrinkles under your eyes! And also works on sore and  puffy eyes. Why you may ask? Its because cucumbers are 90% composed of water :O Some scientists disagree with putting cucumber on your eyes because it might give you some eye infections from the bacteria from the cucumbers. BUT WHO CARES!!!! :P YOLO

So if you want to know whether cucumber is any good when it’s over your eyes like a pair of green funky glasses, the answer is yes: Cucumbers are good because they look cool.

If you would like to know what to do i will tell you so:
  • Get two slices of cucumber freshly cut.
  • Before you put them on your eyes you could put in the fridge for 1 hour to get them extra cool:)
  • After that sit outside in the sun, lean back and place them on your eyes and relax while the cucumber will fix your eyes up
  • Make sure to leave them on your eyes for at least 10 mins:)
Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Tuesday 7 August 2012

What I'm Loving

Today this blog post is actually going to be good! Because... Guess What! I got a camera so i can take proper pictures for you guys!:) How kind am I? 

This blog post is going to be about what I'm loving and using the most at the moment. I have 6 products to share with you!

See look at the AMAZING QUALITY ;D
I've have had most of these products for a while now so I have got to use them and had the time to think about how good they are, the only new one is the Revlon Cream Blush which I have done a review on already so be sure to check that one out! :)

First of all is The Little Green Tin which is a Superdrug brand and can come in many different scents, the only scent I liked was the Aloe Vera one. Which is strange because I am one who isn't fond of the smell usually. Its really cheap and is totally worth it, I'm sure America would have one similar! It lasts long on the lips and really keeps your lips smooth. After a couple of uses it does work on the cracks in your lips but not straight away unlike the higher end brands.

This is quite an old product but I'm sure they would still be selling this. Simple really does save my skin! I have plenty of their products and this one is definitely the most effective at this moment in time. Its a role on so before you go to bed you role it over your spots and leave it to sink into the skin. Then while your sleeping it works away and when you wake up all the redness has gone on the spot isn't visible anymore! The only problem with this is it takes a couple of uses to get it going and most girls like me just want the spots to be gone right away!

This is the product I have already done a review on so check that out but for this blog i will just quickly sum it up! This blush and a nice consistency and looks natural on the skin when blended out nicely. I really think it's worth the price and I'm think about getting more cream blushes from Revlon. ( When I have money :(  )

I've had this hairbrush for a long time and it has really helped get those tangles out. (See what I did there? Its called The Tangle Teezer...Hahaa) You don't need to be sitting their brushing away at those knots for centuries. This brush does the trick right away! Leaving your hair silky smooth:) It comes in different colours: Black, Blue and Sparkly Purple(That all I know though! There might be more) But I chose the simple neon orange:)

Everybody. I mean everybody has to have a Hand Gel in their bags at all times. I've lost count of the times that I've needed to use this! This is the Carex Protect+Plus Hand Gel kills 99.9% of bacteria in seconds. Also Antibacterial Protection for 2 whole hours:O GOLLY! This product makes you feel clean in the inside when using it because you know that its killing all of that bacteria off your hands and will protect you from it for 2 whole hours! The only down side is that the smell isn't the most pleasant but it does go away after a couple of minuets.
This it the Natural Collection Vanilla Body Spray, I have recently been buying lots of vanilla scented things and finding that I really do love the smell! :) This is a bargain price for 150ml of a lovely smell. :D This is a Boots brand and there are loads more different spays like this. As you can see I have used quite a fair bit already because I have been using it every morning, spraying it all over! Sometimes I even spray it on my school books, Hehe:)

That's all for now guys! I will defiantly be re-purchasing all of these products:)
Hope you enjoyed this blog post and hope it helps!
Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Monday 6 August 2012

Olympics | Medals

GB are doing amazing in the Olympics 2012 so far! I feel so British when I watch the Olympics:) We've got a total of 40 medals! GOLLY GOSH! 18 Gold, 11 Silver and 11 Bronze! How amazing! :D 5 of our Golds are from the Cycling Track! Found out that we are pretty good at cycling! Chuffed:) 4 Golds from rowing! Brillient success there!  3 Golds from Athletics, i think we all know who was down to that! The one and only Jessica Ennis in the Heptathlon :) What an amazing Athlete GB are proud to have! <3 Thanks to Andy Murray we have a Gold:) The rest of the Golds are from: Cycling (Road), Canoe Slalom, Equestrian, Sailing and Shooting! Wow! WELL DONE TEAM GB :D

Don't forget America with there BOOMING total of 62 medals! 28 Golds, 15 Silver and 19 Bronze! But  it is really all down to the swimming winning 30 medals. I mean Micheal Phelps is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Missy Franklin is also showing off her amazing strength at swimming! Hats off for them! :D

But just slipping into 1st place is China! With a shocking total of 64 medals, just ahead of America!:) Those being 31 Golds, 19 Silver and 14 Bronze. OH MY! China are also pretty good at swimming winning 10 medals. And the same in Badminton winning 8 medals! :D


Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Nail Polish

Nail Polish is not bad for the nails, in fact its good for them! It strengthens and hardens them, its the Nail Polish REMOVER that's bad. Nail Polish Remover is bad for the nails because it weakens them and could also dry out the cuticles! :( But still...every girl has at least 1 nail polish somewhere in their room!
Nail Polish is a great way to brighten up a simple outfit! You can do 1 colour or be extra creative and a do a pattern! You can even buy nail art pens (Off Ebay) if you want to be even more creative! Haha! :)
I've tried SOOOO many Nail Polish Removers but I have to say the Collection 2000 one is my favourite! Some of my Removers don't do a god damn thing! Others dry out my nails completely! :( But this one does the trick for me! I recommend this product to all of your which can be purchased at Superdrug (Sorry America! You will probably find it else where!)  

Hope this helps! Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Tips on How to stay Healthy

Hey there! Its always important to keep in good shape and health. Isn't it?  I've found some great and easy tips to keep on your mind that help you stay fit and healthy!

Tip 1- Eat a Nutritious Breakfast!
After a long nights sleep its important that you forget to have breakfast! I find that people at my school are always skipping breakfast because they think there's no need for it. In fact its the most important meal of the day! make sure you keep it balance and healthy! And easy way is instead or just having some boring cereal chuck some fruit it and that's already your first 5 a day done and complete! And also throughout the day make sure you eat a range of food groups to keep it exciting! :)

Tip 2- Get some exercise! (Don't turn into a coach potato!)
Instead of going in your car everywhere try to walk or cycle! Take the stair and not the naughty elevator! If you can/have time try and go to the gym with a friend, the gym is a fun and easy way because you can do a range of exercises.(running,jogging,swimming,tennis,wall climbing and many more!!!) :)

Tip 3- Drink plenty of water!
Your body is up to 50-70% of water, that shows how important it is! Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, not juice of some fizzies! Try putting a bottle of water in your room so remember! Don't worry it does seen 8 glasses is a lot of water to have in 1 day but it does count in some fruits! So its not all bad! Drinking plenty of water allows your body to be hydrated at all times and no chance of getting un-hydrated or getting one of those horrible headaches! :( :)

I hope this blog helps all of you and Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Sunday 5 August 2012

Lizzie's Views | Rimmel London Wake Me Up Foundation

Quite a while back i purchased a new foundation form Rimmel London, the Wake me up Foundation. Anti-Fatigue, Effect +, Radiant Glow. And of course SPF 15 sun protection! The best thing about the foundation is the packaging! 

It has a proper glass bottle container instead of a cheap plastic one. Its a perfect size and has 1 fluid oz or 30 ml. I am in shade 100 Ivory,this shade matches my skin but after a couple of hours on the skin I find it goes a tiny bit on the orange side. Which is a let down otherwise if it didn't do that it would be a fabulous cheap drugstore foundation. Affordable at: £8.99 or 899 points on the Boots advantage card(which i recommend to get, its free and a good way to earn money) 
It comes in 6 shades (according to the Boots website:) ) : True Nude, Ivory, Natural Beige, Soft Beige, Classic Beige and True Ivory. There is a good range of shades for all skin types but I think it would be better with one shade lighter and one shade darker.  
Rimmel London have a good range of foundations for all skin types, oily, dry and normal:) Rimmel London also have many other successful products which i all love to bits and recommend to try out! They are all worth every penny and are so cheap!

Hope that this review helps and Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Lizzie's Views | Revlon Photoready cream blush

A while back i bought this blusher, the Revlon Photoready cream blush in Flushed Rougissant 200. Its a bright girly pink that all women should have in their makeup bags:) The creaminess of this blusher makes it my favouite item out of my makeup:) I bought it with my 1000 points saved up on my Boots advantage card for £5.99! Totally worth it!:D One of my best buys! I decided to do this review while the sun is still up so i can get photos of the product with natural light. (which is always a plus!) Sorry for the bad quality photos, i have yet to buy a camera instead of using the rubbish one on my iPod:)
                                                             It has nice, clean packaging,
                                                                 A lovely colour...
Which can blend out beautifully on the cheeks to make a perfect natural flushed look!                                                                                                                                                                                           Which can always build up to a strong pink!

Hope you enjoy these reviews and more will be coming up! Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Lizzie's Views | The Dark Knight Rises

I recently went to the cinema with my friend to see The Dark Knight Rises. I thought it was ABSOLOUTLY   AMAZING! (no sarcasm there!) Even though I'm not quite the Bat Man type I still enjoyed every second of it! :) I recommend that you go to the cinema NOW...leave the computer. Stop reading this blog. Grab your bag and GOOOOOOO! I advise you seeing it while its still on at the cinema because it has lots of gun shooting and fighting, which i think, looks better on a bigger screen. There's a mixture of action and comedy in this film which made it even more interesting because it wasn't too serious! Worth every penny! :D

Main characters:
The one and only...BAT MAN played by: Christian Bale

Catwomen played by: Anne Hathaway

Bane (or Bad Guy as i called him) played by: Tom Hardy

Hope you enjoyed this review and hopefully I have convinced you to go and see it as soon as possible!! :)

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

About my Cat | Shoko

I got my cat Shoko for my 11th Birthday present, when I was a baby my mum and dad has a total of 6 cats! But sadly one by one they died:( So we decided to get another one to brighten our lives and keep us happy!:D She is a Siamese cat and she is coming to her 3rd birthday on the 12th of Feb.

                                               All photos have been edited on Instagram!

Sadly at the moment she has something wrong with her front left paw:( She is limping and always licking it, now she has the whole sofa chair to herself with a cozy blanket and we all hope that her paw gets better because she is a very playful cat and likes to mess around outside but now she can't jump and run around happily:( Everybody loves her and she love everybody!<3 She likes sitting on your lap until you have to get up because of all the cramp and numbness in your bum and legs, hehe!!

Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Instagram | Addiction

Instagram. I am addicted. Its amazing and all of you have to get it!:) But don't get as addicted as I am! haha. If you don't know what it is Instagram is a app (you can get it for free from iTunes) and you take a photo of something then you can edit them! You can focus,blur and change colours and styles of the photo as well!

^ These photos are all from my Instagram! ^

My username is   @bluejellii   please follow me! And don't worry.. I do follow back and give out shoutouts!:D I take plenty of pictures everyday so I will fill up your feed!:) If you do have Instagram please comment your username and I will give you a shoutout! I do. Officially have...495 followers and I'm planning to get 500 by the end of today!:O Wish me luck!xx  Toodlepip! Lizzie<3

The Olympics | Team GB!

Right you have to admit team GB are doing extremely well in the Olympics! 3rd in the medal table! But keeping in mind that we are the smallest and have the least population with America and China which and 1st and 2nd:) I'm surprised that I am into the Olympics the year and watching every race and swim:) We are doing especially well in water sports and Jessica Ennis did very well in all of the athletics yesterday:) team GB is so pleased!!:) So whatever team you are supporting, I give you all luck in the games!:) GO TEAM GB:P
Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

About Me

My name is Lizzie and I'm 13 years young:) I have a cat called Shoko which is a Japanese name! She loves people and is the cutest thing ever! I love her to bits!! I live in England with my Mum and Brother,my Mum and Dad had a divorce when I was 6 but I still see my dad 3 days or more a week:) I love them both. I go to high school and just about to start my 3rd year which is year nine where you start some of your GCESs which i am not looking forward to but you do have to do them sometime in your life and i hope to do well!!:) Wish me luck!;D Now I have told you about me you now have to tell me about you in a comment! So get up and make a cup of tea and sit down and type away! I don't mind how long or how short, I'll read them all!:)
Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3

Good Mornin!

Good Mornin my chummies! :) I decided to start a bog because of all the inspiration form YouTube and I have finally started:) My blogs are going to be a mixture of beauty and just normal blogging! I'd love for you guys to take time and read my blogs and then comment about it and say what I should write about!:D I will hopefully be updating my blog as often as I can and make them as exciting as I would like these to be for you. So i'm coming to the end now. So. Toodlepip! xx Lizzie<3